BinG's BloG~: April 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
「 dancing away 10:24 am 」

should've blogged before i left for army,
but it's ok cos i'm back now~

my first two weeks...
it was generally quite alright in fact,
just really really want my weekends.
heck with all the tough training & army regimentation,
cos without them i would've lost my only motivation,
time with my one & only byy~

i'll have to be careful, reaLL careful,
not to give them reason to give us confinement.
we must help each other out!
remind each other yep,
cos it really hurts to see u're buddies get confined too yea...

my first weekend out...
it was the best in a long time~
two weeks of accumulative emotions,
all found their way out when i met her~ =))

labour day hol is coming!
and and, our anni's coming!!~
can't wait to see her again... <333

have a good week byy~
i'll have a good one tuu!<3